I (Shikon) finished reading the 'sequel' to the classic Dracula. And i must say, it was a spledid book, however, dont expect this to have all the spirit and charm that the first one had. I hoped it would, but it really didn't. However, this is a good book, so here's what i have to say.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Horrorcast Double - Dawn of the Dead and YuYuHakusho
Seeing that the end of horrorcast is near, Spiral and Shikon reviewed Yu Yu Hakusho, and DAWN of the DEAD.
First up, is yu yu hakusho.
Both Shikon and Spiral love this anime (as if you couldn't tell from the length of the episode). Note worthy parts of this episode are the awesome singing that was realy hard to edit, but turned out alright. And Spiral giving something a 10 (just like was mentioned in our Blood episode). So here you are:
Dowload at Mediafire
Or listen online:
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Blood [not] the Last Vampire - Horrorcast 5
Despite the title, Blood is not the last vampire. So, with that, we discuss all things Blood related.
Download here
Needless to say, we all liked Blood the Last Vampire. None of us liked Blood+, and only i (Shikon) saw the live action version, which was also good.
Here's the first 5 min, all legal and thanks to Yahoo Japan.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Horrorcast ep 4 - Dracula
Tho its kinda late, Shikon does his review on the classic horror novel, Dracula. Perhaps one of the bestbooks ever writen, Dracula has spawned more paraphernalia than perhaps any other book. So sit back and enjoy this review, of Bram Stoker's greatest creations.
Download Link
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Horrorcast 2
Hey everybody its your awesome buddy Spiral here posting his first solo ever...i know exciting right?? Well anway todays episode is a bit different instead of talking about anime or something else japanesy I'm going to talk about some of my most recent horror novel reads...I hope you enjoy! ^_^
Download Link
Friday, October 9, 2009
Horrorcast Episode 1
For the month of October we, the 3JP, will be putting out more spooky, and haunting programs for you to enjoy. First up on the list is the Japanese horror movie, Ju-on. It's a great film. I recomend it to anyone.
Video of the Week - Michael Jack-san
Anime of the Month - Kobato

Album of the Week: MAXIMUM THE HORMONE - Buiikikaesu